This is my current training plan as of 7th August 2009. Hopefully this should get me into good shape for Dusk 'til Dawn and the Hope and Winter Series.
It does not follow a set training plan other than my own and it's based on what I've read over the last couple of years and what I think is achievable for me,
given how much free time I have now that I'm also working harder to achieve some career goals.
The answers to the questions you're probably asking yourself
about now are, "Yes, I got a great deal of satisfaction from creating that chart and it will no doubt continue to give the anal geeky side of me immense satisfaction
colouring it in over the coming weeks" and "If I don't have a chart showing what I've been upto I find it hard to see exactly when things are going wrong and the
more I fill it in, the more motivated I think it will make me, hopefully making me train even harder".
On the days where I have two training sessions, session one is before 9am, session 2 is after 5:30pm.
Weekly overview of training based on the days listed above. Hopefully there will be no red squares by the end of week 12.