![]() Racing...which category is 'my' category?
When I first started racing in late 2007 I didn't give categories much thought other than, ride the category with the most
laps. I did this for three main reasons, firstly I was travelling for at least three hours for races so the more
time I was riding the bike the better. Secondly at my first ever race I watched the film '24 solo' and it made me think
about the psychological side of riding your bike for that long and how you cope with it, so I decided that my goal should
be to build up to a point when I feel fit enough to try to ride my bike for 24 hours...just to see what would happen, could
I hack it, would I start hallucinating, how would I keep myself motivated (I'm motivated, but not sure if I'm THAT motivated).
Finally, I rather foolishly thought if I entered the longer races people wouldn't ride as fast so I'd be able to keep up and
hopefully dogged determination would get me a reasonable result (a reasonable result I thought was not finishing in last place).
Hi, I thought i had the bug bad but now i know i do not have it bad enough. You have inspired me. I am 34 and have returned to xc mtb for one year now after 6 years out (Children). Last year i did Grizedale MTB Challenge and Dark Peak Challenge, like you thinking the longer the event the slower people will ride (Not). This year i want to race but i am struggling with the catagory's. I am a reasonable standard but want to be competetive within the category that i enter. I will be entering the Midlands XC series and do not know whether to enter the Fun or Open Category. I used to be in-decisive but now i am not too sure. If you had your time again would you have gone straight to "Open/Sport"? Great website made me laugh lots. Keep up the great work. Graeme Thanks for your very kind words...it's most appreciated. Categories, they're a nightmare aren't they? Last year I entered all the wrong categories...I know why I did it, for the same reasons you outlined in your message...looking back now it feels like I was racing without a purpose. I know that it taught me a lot, I enjoyed some events, suffered miserably at others even though they were sometimes shorter! I never used to warm up, saving my energy for the race. Now I know that both from a warming up point of view and also a psychological point of view, a warm up lap actually helps me realise that the course isn't as bad as it seems...without the warm up lap it usually takes me until lap three to realise that the course ain't too bad and there is nothing I can't do. Realising this earlier in the race definitely makes me feel better about the next 4, 6, 12 or however many hours it is I have to go..it's a real confidence boost when you're relatively new to the sport. Try it, see if it works for you. As for the Midlands XC, I would say do 'Fun' and just do your best. Maybe put in an "all or nothing" lap and once the results are in that'll give you an indicator of (a) roughly how long you can keep the faster pace up for and (b) how your fast lap compares with people in different categories. Hopefully from that the category choice for the next round should be a little easier as you'll know how competitive you'll be in the different categories. Remember that you only count your best three results so don't be worried about throwing this Fun round away if you decide to move to Open or Sport, if you stay with the Fun category it will count if you have a worse round, but hopefully you'll get faster with your training as the round progress! If you move to a different category then you can then hit the ground running so to speak, knowing roughly what position you should aim to finish in and who your main competitors for the places around you are (remember to look out for them on the start line so if you see them in front of you, you can identify them from their clothing and you'll know if you need to get past them or not!). I hope this helps and I hope my site continues to be an inspiration to you and others. It's a work in progress and as long as I keep racing and people enjoy reading me pouring my brains out all over the internet then long may in continue. If you want some more inspiration I can thoroughly recommend that you watch this trailer and buy the film...it continues to inspire me 18 months after I first saw it. An incredible piece of film making. To be honest, I wouldn't change a thing, I learnt too many lessons doing it the hard way! I'm doing Sport this year, but only after much consultation with my racing peers, most of the decisions for why I chose Sport are outlined above. Si | www.xcenduro.co.uk Hi Si....
A bit of advise if you don't mind, regarding the winter series. Which class do you think would be best to enter....i don't want to get battered and i would like to try and get a placing in the series. My choice's are the fun mixed or the 40+ 2 hour..looking at my times at the D2D my best lap was a 48 min and the other 4 nothing over 57 mins ?? Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated....Cheers Mike Mike Robinson Hi Mike,
Thanks for the email, I think your choice is quite clear cut...although obviously only you can make the decision. If you enter the 'fun mixed' I think you will possibly win every round or at least be in a right ding dong fight with the other people who are quick in that category. Two words of caution though. Firstly I think that you are a lot faster than we were last year so it would be a walk in the park and you might look like a ringer - there were only really three of us in that category who were going to win it last year...others were finishing a good way behind us at each round so we were possibly looking a little like this so I know how it feels - a little awkward! Also, it is a long way to travel for two laps. Having said that, if you are doing it for fun then why not, although I suspect you will be quite keen to put in good times which would indicate you are to all intents and purposes, racing. I wanted to get some good competition and start from the ground up which is why I entered this category last year. I think you will get some good competition in other categories though and could easily be finishing in the top 25% which is what I would be aiming for when thinking about what category to enter. You want to be in a category where you are competitive with the top people in that category...go too far though and it will be too easy which can lead to dull racing and a less satisfactory feeling when you win I imagine...a hollow victory if you will. The four hour 40+ category will be a mix of older riders aiming to get round and/or beat their previous performance and people who have been racing for a number of years including ex roadies, time triallists, elite, etc. A mixed bag...but good healthy competition and I think you would do well in this category. I know some people in this category have been riding and racing on the road for a number of decades! Only you can decide but I think I know the category you will choose. Each year I set myself goals for the races through a series if I know I am going to be riding all of the rounds. I seem to remember they were something like this... 2007/8 - 4 hour mens Round 1: First solo race, just finish Round 2: 2nd solo race, do not come last Round 3: 3rd solo race, finish top 75% Round 4: 4th solo race, finish top 50% I met most of these targets although I was borderline on them all which I think shows they were challenging but achievable. 2008/9 - Fun mixed Round 1: Ride, see what happens, no expectations (there was a real scrap between myself, Rob C and Andy S) Round 2: If Andy and Rob ride then do this category and try to beat them again (lap 1, 1 second gap between me and Andy, lap 2 I passed Andy coming through the feed zone and in the last three hundred yards gain an 8 second gap to narrowly beat Andy) Round 3: Try to seal up the series so I could do 2 hour for the final round (a tough scrap with Andy and a new very fast rider called Dean, got well beat by several minutes to finish third although was recovering from a cold) Round 4: Tied on points, try to win the series (again finished third behind Dean and Andy, it went to a count back on points and I won with more wins) As you can see it was pretty close! Let me know what you decide. Si | www.xcenduro.co.uk |